Community Wildfire Protection Plan
A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a community-based plan focused on identifying and addressing the local threat of wildfire. The CWPP identifies what is at risk from wildfire and explores issues such as wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness, public safety, and structure protection. A CWPP provides a roadmap of actions for the community to mitigate its wildfire risk.
In 2018 Missoula County updated its 2005 Community Wildfire Protection Plan developed by Missoula County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and adopted the revision which was initiated by and incorporated input from numerous stakeholders.
You can find that plan here: Missoula Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Missoula County CWPP covers a large area addressing a wide diversity of conditions. Residents in Grant Creek are currently developing a “localized” CWPP that will augment the Missoula County CWPP.
The Grant Creek CWPP will describe wildfire conditions, identify wildfire risk reduction opportunities, and identify public safety measures specific to Grant Creek. The Grant Creek CWPP will provide community stakeholders with the opportunity to meaningfully engage with fire protection and emergency services organizations, and federal and state forestry agencies, as we undertake actions to reduce wildfire risk in Grant Creek.